The Best Creatine Products

Creatine monohydrate is one of the most researched supplement on the planet. It’s shown to increase power output by increasing ATP production. Creatine monohydrate often states 100% purity however most brands don’t state the % yield of creatine so it’s often good to opt for a quality stamp of Creapure or CreATP. To read more on creatine go here or to compare different creatine supplements in our database go here.

Please note: Most (all?) creatine gummies or tablets/capsules are either underdosed or overpriced.

Bulk – Creatine HCL

Creatine Hydrochloride (HCL) is Creatine bonded with hydrochloric salt for rapid absorption. It doesn’t need to be taken every day and can be taken in lower dosages (2 to 3 grams). It is often the go to choice for individuals that suffer digestion issues with creatine monohydrate but there is far less research on this type of creatine.

Bulk’s is the cheapest Creatine HCL we can find on the market at the time of writing.

Bulk – Creapure

Creapure is the purest form of creatine monohydrate on the market at 99.95% purity. It’s a quality stamp ensuring you are getting the highest form of creatine available.

Bulk’s version is the cheapest per 5g serving that we at Whey It Up can find at just 23p when buying the largest possible quantity. For that you’re getting unflavoured Creapure but nothing else.

Apex Formulas – Morning Ritual

Naughty Boy – Crea-Greens

Struggle to eat your greens? Or even to get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? Crea-Greens could be the answer!

Further to the greens, the added vitamins and the hydration ingredients is the 5g creatine monohydrate per serving (although it’s not Creapure or CreATP).

87p per serving makes it competitively priced in the greens market.

If you’re placing your 1st order with Naughty Boy, to get a £5 voucher buy via this link.

Illegal Nutrition – Premium Creatine

Illegal Nutrition present CreATP, a creatine monohydrate at 99.5% creatine which only Creapure is guaranteed to beat (by a negligible 0.45%).

Further to this, the product contains pink Himalayan salt for increased absorption and to draw water into muscles which is ideal when using creatine. It also contains Astragin for absorption and to increase ATP production further.

If downing this with a little water, you can taste the salt slightly so mixing with 500ml+ is recommended as taste is minimal, or mix with some juice/squash/EAAs or anything else flavoured to negate it.

The truly impressive thing here however is the price of 33p per serving.

HR Labs – Basic

“Basic” is a daily saturation supplement that not only contains creatine monohydrate (although not Creapure or CreATP) but also contains beta-alanine, betaine, Peak O2 and hydration (including Cocomineral, Taurine and Pink Himalayan Salt) & absorption ingredients (including Astragin

If you want an all-in-one daily supplement to increase power, performance, muscular endurance and recovery then look no further.

At £0.96 per serving with the link and code above, the price is steep but if you want the benefits these many ingredients give, you have to take them daily.

Naughty Boy – Creatine

Naughty Boy Creatine is the cheapest on our list if you opt for the 450g tub at just £19.99 for 150 servings. 5g creatine monohydrate per serving (although it’s not Creapure or CreATP) at a great price of a little over 13p per serving.

If you’re placing your 1st order with Naughty Boy, to get a £5 voucher buy via this link.